Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Community Service Argument Essay
Network Service Argument Green Bay High Schools are being confronted with an extremely disputable issue, which spins around whether network administration hours are expected to graduate. Secondary schools are contending that 24 hours of network administration are expected to move on from their office of learning, yet many disappointed understudies are voicing fights to this interest. This circumstance has caused a lot of discussion among the educational system and numerous contentions have ascended in help and against this network administration issue. Supporters of the network administration venture contend that if understudies satisfy their 24 hours of network administration in secondary school they will form into upstanding mainstays of the network. They accept that understudies will turn out to be better mindful of what this present reality resembles by doing network administration and offering back to their locale. Understudies will learn important life exercises by partaking in network administration and will like themselves for helping other people out of luck. Protestors have hit back with an extremely strong contention. They feel that if secondary school understudies are compelled to do network administration they will start to consider it to be a discipline and as something that they need to do in light of the fact that it is required as opposed to something that they need to do on the grounds that it is the proper activity. Understudies will later on glance back at the network administration extends that they had to do a ll through secondary school and will keep on conveying a negative point of view toward network administration for the sum of their lifetime. Another thought that the protestors give about this network administration issue is time imperatives will make it near unimaginable for secondary school understudies to fill the vital 24 hours expected to graduate. Secondary school understudies have a tremendous measure of things going on in their lives. They go to class day by day for 7 hours, partake in extra-curricular exercises, and have low maintenance employments. Secondary school understudies have such a constrained measure of time for themselves, as it is that by attaching some other tedious venture like network administration is strange. Supporters contend back that secondary school understudies just need to satisfy 24 hours of network administration all through 4 years, that truly isn’t soliciting a mess from time duty. In the event that understudies financial plan their time and start the network administration when they are a green bean all they have to do is an hour each other week and they will in any case be don eâ with every year or so to save. A last disputable issue that springs up is transportation. The protestors contend that green bean and sophomores in secondary school don't have their driver’s permit, so how are they expected to get to their locale administration site when their folks or companions are grinding away or just to occupied to give them a ride. Except if the school offers a methods for transportation for the understudies there truly is no answer for this issue. The supporters contend that understudies can discover network administration extends near and dear or in the event that they live in the nation discover another understudy to vehicle pool with. Constraining understudies to finish 24 hours of network administration in secondary school so as to graduate is an exceptionally disputable issue. The two sides have strong contentions concerning why network administration ought to or ought not be constrained upon understudies. Network administration is a magnificent thing that everybody ought to be required to do sooner or later in their life, yet are secondary school understudies full grown and dependable enough to take on network administration ventures at this phase in their life?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Rash Romeo in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay -- William Shake
The Rash Romeo in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo’s activities are imprudent all through the play. For instance, Romeo doesn't consider the outcomes of his activities when he demands wedding Juliet. Additionally, Romeo shows thoughtlessness when he executes Tybalt. At long last, Romeo is imprudent when he executes himself. Imprudence is a quality that frequents Romeo all through the play. One of Romeo’s acts that shows his imprudence is his wedding Juliet. After Juliet says that she wouldn't like to wed Romeo, he perseveres and says that he needs â€Å"Th’ trade of thy love’s dedicated promise for mine†(2.2.134). Romeo doesn't think about the outcomes of their marriage. He just needs his desire satisfied. He is imprudent in light of the fact that he needs to race into a marriage for which he isn't prepared. Romeo’s carelessness continues all through the play and prompts his defeat. Another case of Romeo’s rash character is the point at which he executes Tybalt. Romeo’s family is informed that on the off chance that they battle with the Capulet family, they will be executed. Tybalt of the Capulet family battles with Mercut...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Come together (and eat)
Come together (and eat) Okay, I must really be starved for questions if Im now answering comments I read in other blogs. But I saw one I just couldnt resist over in Mollies neck of the woods (Note: as I am being greedy and co-opting Mollies question, and as her answer probably differs from mine, she should feel free to provide her own answer). Sara Campbell asked Its cool that MIT has so many food opportunities, but do you feel that it causes people to be too spread out? Im used to a dining hall culture, where you can walk in anytime and find some friends to sit down with, and I feel like Id be lost with all those options! Does MIT compensate and have other places that bring everyone together? Thats a good question, and one I hear a lot from non-MIT people and prospective students. In order to understand the answer, its necessary to understand a little more about dining at MIT. The way it works is, there are a few dorms with dining halls. I believe these are Next House, Baker, Simmons and McCormick. If you live in one of these dorms, youre required to buy a dining hall meal plan, in which you get discounted meals but in order to break even, you need to eat an awful lot of meals in a dining hall. Notice that I said a dining hall, not the dining hall, because if you have a plan at one of these dining halls, its good for all of them. So if you live in Next and youre tooling problem sets with your friend at Baker, you dont have to walk all the way back to eat; just grab your meal at Baker! Some of the FSILGs (fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups) have not been so keen on the mandatory nature of these dining hall plans. Why do they care? Because many of them have their own meal plans, where meals are either cooked by a chef/cook or by house residents, depending on the house. Ive eaten house dinners at four different FSILGs (see my entry where I ate at pika), and the quality of the meals has been quite high. House meals, and especially house dinners, are usually considered to be important community time for the house (if youre still confused as to why the FSILG houses care about dorm dining halls, remember that freshmen, including those affiliated with FSILGs, are required to live in dorms, and if they live in dining hall dormsyou can probably see the conflict). Not in an FSILG, but have a bunch of friends who are? Or maybe, theres one youre thinking about joining? Want some good food and conversation? Some FSILGs allow non-members to purchase a half o r full meal plan. But what if youre not in a dorm with a dining hall or an FSILG? Well, theres plenty of MIT dining spots not connected with a living group (such as the Student Center options), or you can go out to eat. But before you decide to do that, remember that most living groups in this category have large, well-furnished kitchens, where you can cook your own food (which is cheaper than buying it). East Campus is an example of such a dorm, and each of its ten halls has a big kitchen. And most residents cook for themselves. Many people get the wrong impression from this setup, and believe that individuals cooking for themselves are losing an important opportunity for community building. These people are underestimating the power of a kitchen. On 5th East, where I live, the kitchen opens into the larger and more popular of the two hall lounges, as you can see on this floor plan (G509 is the kitchen, G507 is the lounge). During the evening, theres a steady flow of people between the kitchen and the lounge. If you wander into the kitchen to cook dinner, youll likely find other people waiting for their dinners to cook, sitting or standing around the kitchen and animatedly discussing/debating why their 6.001 projects dont work, what the proper definintion of twinkie is, or whether it would be possible to build a giant fire-breating head for Rush (some of the most interesting conversations Ive had have been in the hall kitchen). As the food finishes cooking, they trickle back into the lounge, where the same s ort of conversation is going on but with the participants sitting on couches and the TV going in the background. Some of the Cultural Houses in New House have a sort of middle-ground setup where theres not a formal meal plan but everyone cooks together in the kitchen and enjoys the fruits of communal labor. My point is that missing out on dining halls doesnt mean missing out on community. If you tried to tell FSILG residents, or Cultural House residents, or 5th East residents, that their communities would be better off if they used dining halls and meal plans, I guarrantee you theyd be very offended. In fact, this has happened before. A few years ago, MIT decided to have a mandatory meal plan for all undergrads in dorms. MIT was afraid that students were missing out on a great chance to come together in their communities by not having mandatory meal plans. Students were very unhappy about this. They protested. A lot. And mandatory meal plans were dropped. The mere mention of them causes some people to start breathing fire. In short, Sara, no, I dont feel that our dining system causes people to be too spread out. I think its a great community-builder, with the added benefit that students are allowed to make their own decisions. And I bet thats a longer answer to your question than you expected or wanted. :-) Hmm. In all this talk about dining, I didnt get to the second part of the question, which was about common spaces for all students. I guess thatll have to wait for another entry
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Eating Disorders Are Serious Mental Illnesses That Are Not...
Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that are not a choice. Eating disorders can affect people of any age and are characterized by concerns with body weight and irregular eating habits. There are many different kinds of eating disorders, but the cause of them is not completely known. The symptoms of eating disorders include obsession with food, appearance, and weight. There are ways to cope with and treat eating disorders with the help of a therapist that is specially trained in eating disorders. The exact cause of eating disorders is not known. Though it is unknown, â€Å"it is generally believed that a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental abnormalities contribute to the development of these illnesses††¦show more content†¦Four out of ten people have experienced an eating disorder or know somebody that has. Someone with an eating disorder commonly also has another condition like depression or an anxiety disorder. Eating disorders can happen to either gender, but â€Å"middle-aged women are the fastest growing segment of the population being diagnosed with eating disorders†(Emily Program Foundation, 2015). In the United States, over 10 million people suffer from an eating disorder. Symptoms of eating disorders include attitudes and emotions when dealing with weight and food issues. One type of eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder is more common in women than men. â€Å"Approximately 90-95% of anorexia nervosa sufferers are girls and women†(Anorexia-nervosa, n.d.). Although the amount of women versus men is so high, only about 0.5-1 percent of American women actually suffer from the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is a life threatening eating disorder in which a person starves him or herself and has excessive weight loss. When the body is starved, the body slows down all its processes to conserve energy. When the body is slowed down like that, then serious medical consequences can arise. Serious medical consequences may include fainting, muscle loss, hair loss, abnormally slow heart rate, and low blood pressure. One symptom of anorexia nervosa is â€Å"inadequate food intake
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Top Advice on Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade
Top Advice on Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade Don't pitch an investigative piece in case you don't understand how to get started reporting it. Before you pitch, be aware of what the publication has paid writers before. Professional writers are well trained and have lots of experience so can come up with a few of the greatest work. The instances that may be cited within this kind of essays don't really must be extremely rare and anything mundane can likewise be written on it. Keep in mind that a high degree of detailing is a feature of all superior narrative essay examples. Lastly, we've discussed the five kinds of notarization together with how, when, and the reason why they are finished on legal documents. There's two or three samples below that could serve as examples of narrative essays and the most frequent mistakes that may occur when you manage this form of assignment. The Downside Risk of Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade Each paragraph should discuss an exc eptional idea. Nonetheless, there are explicit and strict rules that one must follow. Make certain that you own a thesis statement and topic sentences for each and every paragraph. The kind of notarization used and the notary statement supplied for a specific document is dependent on how and on what it will be used for. Every experience affects an individual in some manner. Your selection for the structure always is dependent on the story you're likely to tell. Oh, and many people can't write 5,000 word features right from the gate. Additionally, there are those students whose stories incorporate every minute detail they can remember as they create a narrative that appears to continue forever with no true focus. Things You Should Know About Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade Your life story may also be thought to be a wonderful topic in writing your private essay. Body paragraphs reveal the key events explained in the essay. Every paragraph must cover 1 topic in making the circulation of the essay smooth. The resulting effects can be useful, bad, or a mix of both. Give a concise introduction of all of the men and women you write about including yourself. They may serve as basis whether to grant a person's application or not. Seriously, there are dozens and dozens of applicants and if you don't express your necessity your application will wind up lying with all the rest weak entries. Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade at a Glance There are struggles that could easily be eliminated when you're in the early phases of writing your personal narrative essay. An excellent essay should have essential points. The very last thing that you want to do in your own personal narrative essay is confuse your readers. A narrative essay, more than every other kind of essay, allows you to be creative as a writer. Understanding Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade Within the body section, you should give supporting arguments for each and every point that you earn. Assuming which you want to get hired by a fantastic company, usually you'll be requested to compose an expert goals essay to demonstrate that you're the most proper candidate to occupy the available position. Following that, give an overview of the points you discussed. Don't attach a complete draft, even when you already have one written. Great narrative essay writing is genuinely an art form, and it isn't a talent that nearly all of us have. Conclusion should clearly state your urge to study at a specific university. Writing a narrative essay is all about telling a story using your initial voice. Some individuals have the capacity of fantastic writing but find it problematic to work on confusing topics so it's far better to request assistance from a specialist. You enclose things that exist around you. So, you might come across mistakes which you've initially overlooked. Make the choice to find some help. There's a greater chance you will accomplish your a ims by writing them down. Keep in mind, a bright leader should always have a backup program. Review what you've been requested to address in your essay Sometimes educational institutions wish to learn more than just your career targets. Link education to your upcoming career Elaborate how your educational background will allow you to attain your professional objectives. How to Choose Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade It means that you ought to open your paper with a part of information geared toward attracting a reader's interest. The author should find because many similarities and differences as possible so he'll want to do a little bit of research. It is a brief kind of a narrative novel. That indicates you've got to give all of them the background information they will need to comprehend your private narrative. The War Against Narrative Essay Samples Third Grade Keep in mind that even though narrative essays seem an easy job, it remains an assignment that should be ready on time. Benefits of Online essay Writing Services Essay writing is a trying job for the majority of the students today. Your writing has to be brief and concise. High school essay writing is a frequent classroom activity and is also part of several normal examinations.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analyze The Complexity Of The Problem †
Question: How Does Knowing A System Is Complex Help Me? Answer Knowing a system helps me a lot to understand the system precisely. As an example it can help me understand a situation of corruption in a company and analyze the complexity of the problem and take important decision to solve the problem (Heagney 2016). Corruption is a major issue in trade and often it is very crucial to take necessary decision for the managers in order to resolve the same (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). The Kurtz and Snowdens Cynefin framework is a conceptual framework which can be used by the managers or policy makers to reach at a decision of a critical case such as ethical dilemma or corruption in trade and so on(Lock 2017). The Kurtz and Snowdens Cynefin framework has a total of five decision making contexts(McLeod and Childs, 2013). The domains are named as simple,complicated,complex,chaotic, anddisorder (Childs and McLeod 2013). These five contexts help managers to perceive situations and to make sense of their own. Corruption in trading has been a major issue for any business firm. The reasons of corruption are various and not only the taking of bribe is considered as corruption but also other activities which can harm the organization for some individuals own benefits(Puik and Ceglarek 2015). The reasons of corruption in trade are mainly because of intention to earn more and without any effort(O'Connor and Lepmets 2015). The process of knowing a system has helped me to understand the critical problems and deal with it in the field of project management. The concept helped me to understand the various aspects of the problem related to project management and deliver solution of it effectively. I am now able to understand what are the consequences of the decision taken by me and the benefit company to resolve the issue. Knowing a system plays a crucial role where the decision which has to be taken is sensitive in nature. The corruption can severely harm the trade and is unethical according to business ethics standard. The case of corruption comes under the complex context of the cynefin framework(French 2013). The framework has made me understood how the dilemma and situation can be solved by taking proper decision as a project manager and help the company and other stakeholders to work properly and ethically(Flynn and Speier 2014). As an example I can say a such situation is when a supervisor sales som e products at cheaper price to clear the stock of the company. Here the company is getting lower amount of money for selling the product though the mid level sales supervisor is unethically earning some money from the customers by providing them the products at a much lower price than the printed price of the product. The case here is the sales manager though clearing the old stocks and avoiding loss due to expiry of product but at the same time the company is earning less to do that. The lesson has taught me how to take care of all the stakeholders of the company and provide a suitable solution. My case understanding was backed by the concept of the subject and the process of decision making was also done by me taken into consideration all the factors. Systems engineering The systems engineering is another key concept of the course which I learnt. I have got the basic concepts of system engineering. The system engineering has empowered me to execute an interdisciplinary which ensures that the consumer along with otherstakeholder's demands are met in a great quality, believable, low in cost, quick efficient in working and compliant with the schedule manner throughout a system's entire product cycle(Girault and Valk 2013). This method is mainly a combination of the below mentioned seven tasks:describe the problem,Investigate other options,Model the system,Integrate,Launch the system. SIMILAR which is acronym of :State,Investigate,Model,Integrate,Launch,Assess andre-evaluate (Schumacher, Fernandez-Buglioni, Hybertson, Buschmann and Sommerlad, 2013). The process of knowing a system has helped me to understand the critical problems and deal with it in the field of project management. The concept helped me to understand the various aspects of the problem re lated to project management and deliver solution of it effectively (Hitomi 2017). I am now able to understand what can be the consequences of the decision taken by me and the benefit company to resolve the issue. It is very crucial to consider the fact that the procedure of Systems Engineering does not happen in chronological manner. The functions are done in a parallel and repetitive manner(Adams, Hester, Bradley, Meyers and Keating 2014.). I have learnt how systems engineering can cater the needs of the project manager and helps to efficiently manage the project and ultimately contributing to the common goal of companys financial growth. The concept has taught me how the cross functional teamwork can be the backbone of success of any project. Despite of the method of roles distribution up on an assigned project, the most suitable process to eliminate any type of confusion is to unambiguously demonstrate the roles to be played and job duties of the project manager and the systems e ngineer, and obviously other concerned members of the project team (Sadraey 2013). The Project Management Plan (PMP) and the Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) are actually the two most important documents those are used to characterize the processes and methodologies of the project will use to complete the project and supply a product or service provided. The successful completion largly depends on how the system was monitored and managed by the project manager. I have understood that the project has several points where important decisions have to be made. The system engineering plan or SEP is a vital system to execute a project properly. Apart from the technical skills the project management skill is equally important. The example can be given such as a new project manager who is inexperienced if appointed to a project which is previously monitored by any senior supervisor of the company then in that case the new project manager has to understand the whole machinery and t he integrated management involved in it. A project manager can effectively contribute to the project only if he has proper knowledge about the systems engineering and clear understanding of the requirements of the project. A system engineer is also integrated part of the management and also responsible for the success of project. The lesson has taught me how to take care of all the stakeholders of the company and provide a suitable solution to a problem related to project management. I have gained the capabilities of solving the issues related to project management. System thinking is a point of view which is supreme on authenticity, a viewpoint that emphasizes our knowledge about wholes and how the parts of them within those are related to each other. When a system is adjudged as a amalgamation of system elements, systems thinking accepts the dominance of the system and the supremacy of the inter-relationships of the system parts to the whole(Kennedy, Sobek and Kennedy 2014). Syste ms thinking procedure happens through innovation, learning, identification, and dialog that results in sensing, modeling, and talking about the actual-world to better comprehend, demonstrate, and work with systems. A thinker of systems has knowledge about how systems get attached with the bigger framework of daily life, how they behave, and how to manage them. I understood the whole concept of the systems engineering and why it is important to get information about the system engineering to contribute to the concept of project management. Being a project manager the concept of cross functional teamwork is important for me to understand as I need to monitor the activity of every department involved in my project and to track efficiency(Neches and Madni 2013). The case which is mentioned before can be solved if the new project manager first understand the project requirements and other standards of the project before taking responsibility. In this case the project manager should be gu ided by the experienced supervisor who has been in charge of the project for long time before the manager took responsibility of the project. By this decision both the project manager and the supervisor can work collaborate and the project can be successful. Systemic Risk System risk can be defined as a risk which can create possibility that an incident can create a risk for the project and the company in long run which may affect its financial growth and may be a instability inside the company. The systemic risk can also cause in economic breakdown of the company. The fact is that the systemic risk is a big threat for any company. The financial growth can be stagnant of any stalwart of the industry due to the wrong systemic risk taken and the consequences can be even shutdown of the project or company. An example of systemic risk is the case of Lehman Brothers companys size and incorporation into the economy of USA entitled it a basis of risk related to systemic. When the company shut down its operations, this major incident created major problems in the whole tenure of thefinancial systemand the whole economy of the USA. Capital markets became frozen up although businesses and customers or borrowers could not avail loans, or could only get loans if they had enormous credit ratings, resulting very low risk to the lender of the loan amount. Concurrently, AIG was also facing huge loss resulting in huge financial crisis. Similarly like Lehman, AIGs interconnected nature with other institutions dealing in finance constructed it as a foundation of systemic related risk at the time of the financial crisis situation. AIGs assortment of property bound to subprime collateral securities and its taking part in theResidential Mortgage-Backed Securities(RMBS)market via its securities-lending program resulted to calls of security, a loss of liquidity and a downfall of AIGs credit related rating when the cost of those securities got reduced. While the U.S. government did not support Lehman with funding, contradictorily it determined to bail out AIG with financial assistance, loans lending a sum of more than $180 billion, to rescue the company from going bankrupt. Analysts and regulators trusted that an AIGbankruptcy would have initiated the s eries of bankruptcy of several other financial organizations as well. The case taught me about the systemic risk and how it can affect a company. The systemic engineering is a vital factor for any project. The systemic engineering lesson taught me how to deal with complex problems of the project management and take decision in critical situation. The knowledge of systemic risk helps to predict the risk beforehand and take necessary action. The systemic risk in stock market analysis is an integral part. The stock market always goes up and down on various factors and investing in stock market is always risky and the knowledge of systemic risk helped me to understand the analysis of stock market and predict the possible up and down of share price due to various factors. I understood the process of calculated risk taking in stock market from this course. I realized how the market goes up and down and how to handle the situation by analyzing the systemic risk and predict the future risks associated with it. The concept of stock market can be understood clearly and how the systemic risk helps to analyze the situation and take decision accordingly. I have learnt the working methodology of the stock market and how systemic process affects the stock market. Systemic risk can significantly reduce the stock price because of a tiny initiating event. As an example we can consider the case of US raising the interest rates by a tiny amount because the economy of the country is improving gradually. The situation here is if the economy is improving and the result of it is the government raises the interest rate by a tiny amount which will lead to the more profit of the state and other banks. The raise in interest rate will not allow the consumers to spend more as it can lead to the ripple effect of increased spending by the consumers throughout the economy. The businesses and farmers though suffer from raising of interest rate charged by the government as it will increase the borrowing price and will not encourage them to buy more equipments. The raising of interest rate or falling also affects the psychology of consumer and business. The interest rate if rises then both the customer and businesses cut down their spending. On the other hand if the interest rate is lowered the consumers spending is more hence the stock price rises. The investors also have more amount to invest in business if the interest rate gets lowered. They get many investing option along with greater amount of dividend for the investment they make. The investors earn more in this case and the businesses also get proper amount of funding from the investments in the business. The problems which are likely to be found in project management was solved by me with the concept I got from the subject of study. I am now able to analyze the stock market and how tiny initiating events affect the business and controls the stock price in stock market. Tiny initiating event concept The tiny initiating events such as raising of interest by US rising the rate of interest is an example of tiny initiating event. The tiny initiating event concept can be understood and it helps to analyze and take crucial decisions when applied to a problem related to project management. I have learnt from the concept how the economic problems related to a project can be solved from the concept of the course. A project manager often has to face such crisis while managing a project. In such cases the concept of tiny initiating events such as rise in interest rate can affect the project financially. The economy related to the project can be understood from the concept and hence the problems and decision making situation can be dealt with the knowledge. I understood how the rise and fall of the interest rate affects a business economically. The investment made in a business and how it is affected. The profits which investors gain along with the investors also have more amount to invest in business if the interest rate gets lowered. They get many investing option along with greater amount of dividend for the investment they make. The investors earn more in this case and the businesses also get proper amount of funding from the investments in the business. The concept thus helped me to understand the project management related issues and solve them easily. A project manager can effectively take part in the project and contribute to the project only if he has proper knowledge about the engineering, tiny initiating events and clear understanding of the requirements of the project. A system engineer is also integrated part of the management and also responsible for the success of project. The lesson has taught me how to take care of all the stakeholders of the company and provide a suitable solution to a problem related to project management. I have gained the capabilities of solving the issues related to project management. It is an unique perspective in real life, a viewpoint that sharpens our awareness of systems and how the parts within those wholes interrelate. I understood from the tiny initiating events that the perspective of the tiny initiating event. References Adams, K.M., Hester, P.T., Bradley, J.M., Meyers, T.J. and Keating, C.B., 2014. Systems theory as the foundation for understanding systems.Systems Engineering,17(1), pp.112-123. Childs, S. and McLeod, J., 2013. Tackling the wicked problem of ERM: using the Cynefin framework as a lens.Records Management Journal,23(3), pp.191-227. Dickerson, C. and Mavris, D.N., 2016.Architecture and principles of systems engineering. CRC Press. Flynn, B.W. and Speier, A.H., 2014. Disaster behavioral health: Legal and ethical considerations in a rapidly changing field.Current psychiatry reports,16(8), p.457. French, S., 2013. Cynefin, statistics and decision analysis.Journal of the Operational Research Society,64(4), pp.547-561. Girault, C. and Valk, R., 2013.Petri nets for systems engineering: a guide to modeling, verification, and applications. Springer Science Business Media. Heagney, J., 2016.Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Hitomi, K., 2017.Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Unified Approach to Manufacturing Technology, Production Management and Industrial Economics. Routledge. Jackson, S. and Ferris, T.L., 2013. Resilience principles for engineered systems.Systems Engineering,16(2), pp.152-164. Kasser, J., 2013.A framework for understanding systems engineering. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Kennedy, B.M., Sobek, D.K. and Kennedy, M.N., 2014. Reducing Rework by Applying Set?Based Practices Early in the Systems Engineering Process.Systems Engineering,17(3), pp.278-296. Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Locatelli, G., Mancini, M. and Romano, E., 2014. Systems Engineering to improve the governance in complex project environments.International Journal of Project Management,32(8), pp.1395-1410. Lock, D., 2017.The essentials of project management. Routledge. McLeod, J. and Childs, S., 2013. The Cynefin framework: A tool for analyzing qualitative data in information science?.Library Information Science Research,35(4), pp.299-309. Neches, R. and Madni, A.M., 2013. Towards affordably adaptable and effective systems.Systems Engineering,16(2), pp.224-234. O'Connor, R.V. and Lepmets, M., 2015, August. Exploring the use of the cynefin framework to inform software development approach decisions. InProceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Software and System Process(pp. 97-101). ACM. Puik, E. and Ceglarek, D., 2015. The quality of a design will not exceed the knowledge of its designer; an analysis based on Axiomatic Information and the Cynefin Framework.Procedia CIRP,34, pp.19-24. Rainey, L.B. and Tolk, A. eds., 2015.Modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering applications. John Wiley Sons. Sadraey, M.H., 2013.Systems Engineering Approach(pp. 19-48). John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Schumacher, M., Fernandez-Buglioni, E., Hybertson, D., Buschmann, F. and Sommerlad, P., 2013.Security Patterns: Integrating security and systems engineering. John Wiley Sons.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Hill Burton an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
Hill Burton by Expert Dr.William (PhD) | 19 Dec 2016 The Hill-Burton Act There are a few events in the 20th century that can compare to its ability to conjure fear and foreboding in the minds of American citizens than the Great Depression of the 1930s. Its effect could not be fully described and its consequences too could not be quantified. Suffice it to say that many learned their lessons. The event, the principles learned and the causes leading to it became some sort of a reference point for the government and businesses from which they will measure current trends and developments in order to prevent another crash. The economic downturn calls for some serious change in governance, legislation and attitudes. Adjustments were made alright; but these modifications in how the US conduct business did not only focus on the things that would make money i.e. traditional industries. It is quite surprising to know that sweeping changes were made and this has impacted the healthcare sector as well. Need essay sample on "Hill Burton" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Undergraduates Very Often Tell EssayLab professionals: I'm don't want to write my paper. Because I want to spend time with my boyfriend Essay writers recommend: Things Go Better with Our Assistance The Hill-Burton Act is the most prominent piece of legislature that could be considered as the most recognizable evidence of what the government tried to do with Americas healthcare system just after the crisis of the 1930s. This legislative action was not perfect but it was a precedent that at best provided a model for future developments in related services and at worst is the catalyst for change. The legacy of the Hill-Burton Act is still felt today. A number of modifications were made since its inception but the spirit of the original law is still apparent as it was first seen decades earlier. In the following pages, the Hill-Burton Act will be studied more carefully from the beginning up to the present. Moreover, a more in-depth look on the circumstances leading to its creation will be included to provide a better understanding to what it meant to the US healthcare system. In the Beginning The website of HRSA under the US Department of Health and Humans Services ascribes two major events that lead to the creation of the Hill-Burton Act. The first one was the aforementioned economic downturn of the 1930's. The second major event that indirectly led to its legislation is World War II. In the same website one can find a more detailed description of said law: In 1946, Congress passed P. L. 79-725, the Hospital Survey and Construction Act, sponsored by Senators Lister Hill and Harold Burton and widely known as the Hill-Burton Act. It was designed to provide Federal grants to modernize hospitals that had become obsolete due to lack of capital investment throughout the period of the Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945). Hill-Burton were required to provide uncompensated services for 20 years after receiving funds. (see HRSA). That in a nutshell is Hill-Burton Act and also what was stated above were the general circumstances that led to its legislation. The Hill-Burton Act was created not in a vacuum but there were forces that triggered its inception. With this line of thought, Thomas Weil offers a more in-depth analysis how the Hospital Survey and Construction Act came to be. Weil traced back its beginnings in a regional and comprehensive Health care planning trend in the United Stats that began as early as 1929. In that same year a working committee was formed which was aptly named the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care. Again, Weil explains: Supported by one million dollars from six foundations, the committee and its staff studied the incidence of disease and disability in the United States, how to improve the integration of Health care facilities and services, the relationships of family income and the receipt of health service and the income earned by the health providers. (Weil, p.18). From the complex data gathered by the committee it was understandable that there will be a lack of general consensus when the time came for offering recommendations. Yet at the core of the recommendation is a call for a better way of financing and organizing Health care services. The first major attempt to translate what CCMC (Committee on the Costs of Medical Care) aspired for in theory into action was the creation of the Hill-Burton Act. Weil described the simple approach to the complicated problem presented by CCMC, The purpose of the act was to enhance acute services on the basis of hospital bet-to-population ratios and to build newer facilities. Because of the Depression and later World War II, only modest hospital renovation or expansion had occurred during the prior 15 years (p. 20). The work of the lawmakers, Hill and Burton did not go in vain. The law they co-authored took flight and made changes on many states. Weil describes the initial impact of the act at least on a statewide basis: The Hill-Burton program provided federal grant assistance to the states for surveying their health needs, and, based on these findings, they were able to develop priorities for hospital facility construction. With well-documented plans for expanding facilities, and with minimum standards for hospitals incorporated into state licensing laws, federal funds were made available on a priority basis, and the monies were matched up to one-third of the total project cost to construct and equip...(p.20) Early Critics Steven Jonas, in his book Introduction to the US Health care remarked on the inherent weakness of the said law: The Hill-Burton Act was limited however; in it was a state-based rather than a comprehensive approach to remedying Health care inadequacies. It focused overwhelmingly on beds rather than services that might or might not require additional beds. (p. 141) Gottlieb in 1974, made the following observations, There was little provider-consumer interaction in the program, nor was there much interaction between Hill-Burton activities and other health planning efforts(qtd. in Jonas, p.141). In the area of physician redistribution Clark and Koontz in 1973 remarked that ...because its approach to physician redistribution was all carrot and no stick, its results in that area were less exemplary (qtd. in Jonas, p. 141). Early Success But it was not all downhill for the proponent of the law and for the legislation itself, as of 1970 it can boast a modest string of achievements, Joans wrote the follwing: By 1970, the program had assisted in the construction of facilites housing 334,438 hospital beds and 93,749 long-term care beds, as well as 1,032 outpatients facilities, 520 rehabilitation facilities, 1,258 public health centers, and 41 state health laboratories. (p.141) Amendments The law was passed right after the end of the Second World War. The world and America changed dramatically since then. There is of course the need for changes in the law itself. The HRSA website provided the information on the amendments made in 1975: Title XVI of the Public Health and Service Act [...] Title XVI transferred the enforcement responsibilities from States to the Federal government, and required more stringent investigation, monitoring and compliance standards. The Act also empowers the government to recover grant funds in certain situations when the facility is sold, transferred to an ineligible entity, or ceases to be used for an eligible purpose within the 20-year obligation period. (see HRSA) Legacy The impact of the Hill-Burton Act was summarized by the HRSA in the following statements: $4.6 billion total grants and $1.5 billion total loans between 1946 and 1997 6,800 health care facilities in more than 4,000 U.S. communities In the website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the following information was posted: The Community Service Assurance under the Title VI of the Public Health Service Act requires recipients of Hill-Burton funds to make services provided by the facility available to persons residing in the facilitys service area without discrimination on the bases of race, color, national origin, creed, or any other ground unrelated to the individuals need for the service or the availability of the needed service in the facility. These requirements also apply to persons employed in the service are of the facility (see USHHS). On a separate document from the US Department of Health the public was made aware of the existence of a means for low cost healthcare. In the document instructions were made to on what management of such facilities must do to comply with the law and it states, Hill-Burton facilities must post a sign that says NOTICE-Medical Care for those Who Cannot Afford to Pay (see USHHSA). And this is what makes America a great country. Conclusions The Hill-Burton Act was not created in a vacuum. There were events and forces that shaped its destiny. But it was the work of two lawmen, Senator Lister Hill of Alabama and Representative Richard Burton of Michigan that paved a way for the creation of a successful model that can be used as benchmark for future forays into re-engineering of the US healthcare system. The Hill-Burton Act is not without its faults. In the words of Weil, It focused on institutional rather than comprehensive, regional approaches to remedy health delivery system inadequacies. Its overwhelming emphasis on reducing acute care bed scarcity indicated the absence of a broader goal-setting process rooted in identified community needs (p.20). But viewed another way the Hill-Burton Act had assisted a significant number of patients whose lives would have been in danger had it not been for this law. It also trail blazed a path for others to follow. References Health Resources and Services Administration. Hill-Burton Facilities Compliance andRecovery USHHS. 2006. August 30, 2006. Jonas, Steven. Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System. New York: Springer Publishing, 2003. Office for Civil Rights. Your Rights Under the Community Service Assurance Provision of the Hill-Burton Act. USHHS. 2006. August 30, 2006. Weil, Thomas. Health Networks: Can They Be the Solution? Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2001.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Hammarubi essays
Hammarubi essays King Hammurabi lived from approximately 1850-1750 B.C.E., during which time he ruled Babylonia for forty-three years. Sometime during his reign, the king created a code of laws called Hammurabis code. The code consists of laws dealing with family, property, women, slaves, and many other things. While King Hammurabi created rules for his people, the Hebrew God also created rules for his people. God gave Moses a series of laws dealing with many issues including family, property, and slaves. Even though the Babylonian and Jewish laws came from different rulers during different times, they seem to be similar in many ways. The Babylonians believed in many gods and the idea that these gods would take care of them and provide leaders for them. King Hammurabi was one of these appointed leaders. Hammurabi said that his job was, to cause righteousness to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from plundering the weak. Hammurabi was a just and effective ruler who left behind one of the earliest known collection of laws. While Hammurabis code does not cover the aspects of courts and procedures, it does offer a look into Babylonian culture and what was important to them. While Babylonians believed in many gods and a king who gave them their laws, the Jews believed in one God who gave them their laws. The Jewish people lived in the eastern Mediterranean area starting around 1200 B.C.E. Instead of a belief in many gods, they Stressed complete submission to the laws and commands of their omnipotent and omnipresent God, a deity whom Hebrews perceived as outside of nature and comprehensible in intellectual and abstract term, the religion focused on Gods covenant with the Hebrews and the history of their special relationship. As lawgiver and universal upholder of moral order, God is depicted in the Holy Writ of Israel as beneficent and loving but also as a stern and vengeful ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Question - Assignment Example On the other hand, informal rule making procedures occur in instances whereby an agency publishes legislative procedures or rule making is consistent with the authority delegated by the Congress (Burrows and Garvey). According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the ad substantial rule seeks to maintain a marketplace that was free of any unfair and deceptive practices or acts in which advertisement of products was factual and truthful. Conversely, the corrective advertising rule is a remedy to prevent future misleading beliefs existing in the public due to past deceptive advertisements (Pelgro 938). Known as EIS, this document provides for the description of the impacts on the environment because of a proposed action. It also provides for the impacts of alternative impacts and plans to make the alternative impacts less severe or remove the negative impacts. In order to meet the threshold of an EIS, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) regulations require a detailed discussion of the proposed action and provision of a range of alternatives that were reasonable (Depleted UF). Companies and individuals will engage in speech with intent of making a profit. This speech is commercial speech, and it is economic in nature with an intention of convincing people to participate a particular action. Conversely, the intent of noncommercial speech is not economical. In effect, the commercial speech has a limited measure of protection in comparison to noncommercial speech (Delta and Matsuura). The commercial clause, which is a definite article in the constitution of the US, confers the Congress with the power to regulate commercial activities with foreign countries, between several states, and with the Indian Tribes (â€Å"The Commercial Clause†). The main advantage of the commercial clause was its nature in ensuring that Congress regulated trade and commerce, which was not the case prior
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Project management. What's that Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project management. What's that - Essay Example The management of project components and clustering them under one unit is very important (Haugan, 2011). Project management enables following the guidelines and use of the right kind of tool and technique for performing the project. It further allows integration of stages of a project that are namely planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling phase (Weihrich & Cannice,pg 4, 2010). Project management further keeps a check on the various constraints that must be taken into account. These constraints are in time completion of project, keeping the costs within the allotted budget, and finally monitoring the performance at different levels of project by individuals and workgroups. The project performed was aimed at providing relief to the commuters in the particular area which is being congested due to traffic .A solution is proposed in form of A3 Hind head project which will ease the traffic load and bring about relief. Out of the nine broadly defined areas of management, f our are needed to be taken into consideration which are as follows: ‘Managing the scope of the project in controlling the project through aims, goals and objectives of its sponsors. The first of nine elements is indispensible and must be taken into consideration. ... The aim should be clearly conveyed to all the stakeholders both inside the organization and outside in order to enable them working according to the requirements. ‘Managing time planning, scheduling and controlling the project to achieve the time objectives through recognized control methodologies.’ This is the second most important element of managerial approach. Effective planning in any stage of project has its direct effect on the project, planning gives a roadmap as to what to achieve and how to achieve it ,it is the table work for practical implementation, scheduling of activities enable synchronization of work and allows reduction of extra activities which might consume resources and do not contribute towards the productivity. A generalized objective of any project is the completion of project in time, the element of scheduling is one of the most important factors to be considered since delay can have severe negative repercussions on the project and its stakeholde rs. Scheduling enables achieving work break down structure (Harris, 2010). The controlling aspect is also implementable to different components of the project body. Controlling could be in form of the spending, the inventory, and the transportation costs. Methodologies always help in standardizing the working procedures. Projects that involve the public directly, can less afford delays and schedule stretches, Hind Head is a similar case where public contact is in direct question, therefore this is one of the four most important elements needed to be taken in to account. Project Integration Management – develop the project charter, scope statement, and Plan. Direct, manage, Monitor and control Project Change.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Psychology of Soldier Training in the UK
Psychology of Soldier Training in the UK Bullying, humiliation and exclusion are all part of the British culture. How does this assertion sit with our duty to produce trained soldiers for the front line by running hard, relevant and fair training? First, it is essential to understand that the larger British cultural psychology exerts its oppression through mostly subtle forms of psychological warfare. Repression of emotions, fastidiousness, fixation on decorum and protocol, and elite classism are all fixtures of the British school system and of British adult society. This is no accident the hallmarks of British socialization are present in military training as well. In the case of the military, the bullying, humiliation, and exclusion are achieved through both subtle and overt psychological warfare, and even violence. As military expert Dr Hans Pols observes, â€Å"cultures of denigration and harassment have existed in all army training camps.† (Das, 2004) Why is this the case? Surely these characteristics do not exist arbitrarily in either British society or the military itself. The overarching reason is a conceptually simple one: an historical preoccupation with maintaining the culture of superiority: â€Å"Throughout history the superiority of the winners has been connected to a denial of feelings what, in the British Empire, was called the ‘stiff upper lip.’ The conquerors of nature and ‘natives’ claimed their right to the world as their possession because they had first conquered themselves.† (Davey, 1999) With respect to the military, specifically, what is the point of such institutionalized human denigration in our organizations? According to Dr Pols, the implicit philosophy behind bullying and denigration is based on the idea that to be capable of dealing with the rigours of battle, soldiers need to be toughened up by being subjected to conditions that test their resolve and resilience. Also, to create an effective army, soldiers need to lose their individuality and personality to become part of an efficient fighting unit †¦ A culture of bullying and denigration is aimed at removing individual peculiarities and characteristics that, in daily life, make people endearing and special. (Das, 2004) Dr Pols’ last sentence is telling, as it speaks to the dehumanizing power of corporations and other patriarchal, top-down institutions within British society – in fact, â€Å"similar patterns of behaviour [to the military] can be seen in other, usually male, institutions such as the police force, sporting clubs and college fraternities.†(Das, 2004) This is not recent phenomenology; as far back as the war with the United States for its independence, the British were invoking similarly disturbing psychological motifs, characterizing their bombardment of a colonial harbor in 1776 as: â€Å"a rod of correction†¦ we must assure them,†the Tory naval officer continued, â€Å"that we dread the very thoughts of an absolute independency; and that we see no prospect of security or happiness but under the powerful protection and mild superintendency of the mother country.†(Wyatt-Brown, 2004) The colonialist mentality inherent in the above ex ample was rife throughout British history throughout its Empire, including its occupation of India and Iraq, and indeed colonialism can be seen as the outward, global manifestation of the haughty, elitist patriarchal mindset around which British society was organized for the better part of 400 years.  To be fair, there are valid reasons for the military to employ certain tactics within their training protocols that we might find unacceptably barbaric in schools and universities. As alluded to above, soldiers in modern warfare experience stresses, pressures, and horrors that are inconceivable to civilians. Even fleeting psychological weaknesses or hesitations in judgment during combat can be fatal, and so soldiers’ responses to battlefield pressures must be so deeply ingrained as to be virtually instinctive. There is often no time for polite university seminar-type committee discussions in war. A soldier must be trained to obey and execute orders that may threaten their lives, and insofar as military training utilizes dehumanising and de-individualising psychological techniques to enable soldiers to respond properly in battle, it is arguably a necessary evil. But what are the consequences to a soldier, who is, after all, a human being, outside of the context of the battlefield, after receiving this training? The evidence, particularly incorporating new evidence from the horrific recent war in Iraq, suggests grim news: â€Å"Rituals involving physical and psychological humiliation, as well as sexual abuse, are not confined to overseas operations, but are also present at home. A survey carried out by the Ministry of Defence in 2002 found that more than 40% of British soldiers believed the army had a problem with bullying, sexual discrimination and harassment.†(Bourke, 2005) The war in Iraq, in fact, points to an acute need for military training that strikes an appropriate balance between the need to turn men and women into auto-robotic killing machines and the understanding that the work of doing so is supposed to facilitate a greater good, such as the liberation of oppressed peoples. Iraqis endured decades of humiliation, torture, murder, and oppression under Saddam Hussein and his Baath party; the British participation in the war to liberate the Iraqis was supposed to be a showcase in British military superiority, not just in training but in honourable behavior: The British army prides itself on its professionalism and its discipline. Its adherence to codes of honourable behaviour in battle is central to the way the British army markets itself, particularly in opposition to other fighting forces (such as the Germans during the two world wars, and the Americans in the current conflict). (Bourke, 2005) Is it possible to create a soldier whose psychology can simultaneously contain the instinct to kill and the instinct for compassion? Can a British soldier decapitate a 17-year old Iraqi insurgent with a burst of machine-gun fire, and then immediately go to a nearby 17-year old civilian female witness and quell her sobbing with a comforting embrace? Idealism prays that the answer is yes – realism will dictate that serious institutional changes must be effected in British training methodology. Though the deeply ingrained conservative cultural elements within the military have and will react in horror to such a suggestion, it is utterly imperative, if British society wishes to consider itself civilised, that military training do only what is required to form a cohesive fighting unit, but not be extremist in goading soldiers to behave like monsters. In World War II training, â€Å"racism †¦ played a significant part. As drill instructors told recruits: ‘Youre not going to Europe, youre going to the Pacific. Dont hesitate to fight the Japs dirty.’ Classifying the Japanese as inhuman meant they all became fair game.† (Bourke, 2005). The atrocities reported from Iraq suggest similarly misguided training instincts. It is no longer acceptable to write these incidents off as ‘collateral damage,’ the inimitably clinical American military term for civilian casualties. As paradoxically difficult as it may be, we institutionali ze compassion in the military at the same time as we institutionalize brutality. BIBLIOGRAPHY Davey, Brian. â€Å"The Psychology of Racism,† A Strategy for Losers: Helping the Last to Come First in The Ecological Transformation of Society, 1999. Das, Sushi. â€Å"A Brutal Business†, The Melbourne Age, November 22, 2004. Wyatt-Brown, Bertram. â€Å"Honor and America’s Wars: From the Revolution to Mexican Conquest†, The 2004 James Pinckney Harrison Lecture, Andrews Hall 101, March 22, 2004. Bourke, Joanna. â€Å"From Surrey to Basra, Abuse is a Fact of British Army Life†, The Guardian U.K., February 25, 2005.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Peoples Obsession With MUDs :: Technology Internet Chat Essays
People's Obsession With MUDs Patik licks Mary. Mary giggles and kicks him in the shin. Krista pirouettes and falls down laughing. Cislynx seduces Missworld. Ralphie shouts, "who wants to tango"?! I am not having a nightmare, and I do not live in a mental institution. I am simply witnessing the typical behavior of a Multi User Dungeon (MUD). MUDs have become all the rage in the rapidly increasing world of computer technology. MUDs put you in a virtual space where you can create an identity and "chat" with other people. In this virtual world, you are represented by a self-composed textual description: if youre fat, you can be thin; if you're beautiful, you can be plain; and if you're nerdy, you can be sophisticated. This anonymity allows you to express unexplored aspects of yourself, to play with your real world identity by trying out new ones (Turkle 12). In addition to creating an identity, your virtual character can converse with others, exchange gestures, express emotions and rise and fall in popularity. You can even die in a MUD (Turkle 183). Essentially, you can be who or whatever you want, and you can say anything because your character exists only in cyberspace, as does everyone else who you encounter. You might ask yourself why do people bother to spend hours, days and weeks interacting with virtual beings? Why don't these people get out more and try living in the real world? The answer is simple. On-line communication in a MUD is a unique form of interaction because it is the only place in the world where you can leave your "real" life, assume the identity of your dreams and behave as you like without leaving any negative impact on your non-virtual existence. People are obsessed with MUDding because it is an escape mechanism which allows you to ignore reality and live out fantasy. This desire to escape reality is an understandable response to an overemphasis on who you are or to the problems of your real-world identity. As a society, we have created an immense pressure upon ourselves to have a "perfect" self-image. This "perfection" can range from wanting flawless skin and pouty lips to desiring a successful career and a happy family. The demands of creating and sustaining this perfect modern identity are becoming increasingly burdensome, and as your life centers more on maintaining this certain image the desire to escape from the image grows greater (Baumeister 2).
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Analysing the change in the role of the management accountant
This work is focused on critically measuring the doggedness of the alteration in the function of the direction comptroller from traditional accounting maps to that of a strategic contriver and concern spouse. The work of Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) , titled â€Å" Relevance doomed †has prompted a drill-down on this research country. Though most of the research workers agree to the altering function of the direction comptroller ( Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2005 ; Cooper and Dart 2009 ; Allot 2000 ; Chenhall and Langfield-Smith2007 ; Siegel1999 ; Kerby and Romine 2005 ; Vaivio1999 ; Ittner and Lacker2001 ; Ax and Bjornenak 2007 ; Bhimani 2006 ; Roslender and Hart 2002 ) . The importance the traditional function still remains critical to others, and should function to complement the new techniques or the alteration. ( Bromwich and Bhimani 1998 ; Burns et Al. 1999 ) . Others are of the position that history is still a relevant portion of the hereafter or the altering tendency. ( Fleischman and Funnell 2006 ; Luft 1997 ; Beaman and Richardson2007 ) .The type of organisation every bit good as the direction may besides find the nature of alteration. Yazdifar and Tsamenyi ( 2005 ) . This a lteration does non take the same signifier in organisations, but differs in form. Sulaiman and Mitchell ( 2005 ) . With the present economic miasma, some research workers are even recommending a return to the old ways: the traditional function, ( Baldvinsdottir et al ( 2009 ) . The first subdivision of this work will therefore reexamine these positions presented and seek to pull a comparing between these positions to see if the function of the direction comptroller has really changed and to what extent. This will be done pulling support from literatures. It will instantly be followed with some of the new roles the direction comptroller is taking up in organisations. Thereafter the place of traditional accounting pattern in this new tendency of events will be discussed. This will enable us to cognize where to put the traditional accounting function, whether it has lost its utility and should be wholly cast-off or should function to congratulate the new functions. Following to that, some of the new techniques in direction accounting that organisations are following, the factors that are driving the alteration in function every bit good as their significance to the new function will be discussed. Decisions will so be drawn as to the direction comptroller ‘s functions change.The altering function of the direction comptroller.Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) are deemed to hold set the canvas in this statement with their book titled â€Å" Relevance lost: the rise and autumn of direction accounting. †These strong footings used by them has prompted or necessitated a batch of research work in this way. They argue that the bing signifier of direction accounting lacked the know-how to run into up with the dynamic concern environment. Their statement was supported by mentioning technological promotions, information engineering, every bit good as planetary and domestic competition as grounds doing the bing patterns inadequate. Harmonizing to an article published in the Journal of Accountancy ( Most Companies Want Their Certified public accountant to Be Business Strategists, Survey Says, 1996 ) , much more is now being demanded of the direction comptrollers within organisations. Their occupations are traveling beyond the readying of fiscal statements as accounts and reading are now required of them of the information they provide. The direction comptroller is consequently a â€Å" high-ranking determination support specializer †. Kerby and Romine ( 2005 ) argue that for direction comptrollers to stay a relevant portion of their organisations, there must be a alteration in accent from the traditional accounting patterns which involves the numeration, analysis, reading and presentation of fiscal information. They advocate that the direction comptroller should be versed with cognition about alterations impacting the concern of his organisation and imbibe qualities that would enable them map as fully fledged concern spouses. Smith ( 2007 ) opined that the focal point of the direction comptroller within organisations is now switching to the external environment. That the direction comptroller is no more uniformed of what happens externally to his organisation, He now looks both inwards and outwards. Cooper and Dart ( 2009 ) , give support to this position that, direction comptrollers are traveling from being information suppliers to back uping the determination devising. Siegel ( 1999 ) , noted that direction comptrollers were earlier now non involved in the existent decision-making procedure, but acted in support of the determination shapers and subsequently got informed of facts. But the function of the direction comptroller had changed and greater portion of their clip was being spent as internal advisers or concern analyst within their companies. Like most of the other authors he attributes this altering function to the promotion in engineering which he states has freed the direction comptroller from what he describes as â€Å" mechanical accounting †. He stated that the new function of the direction comptroller now involves a batch of direct contacts with people throughout their organisations, and that they are more involved in determination devising and cross-functional squads. This he termed development from functioning internal clients to being concern spouses.The direction comptroller as strategic contriver and concern spouse.The cardinal message of this work has been on the direction comptroller presuming the function of strategic contriver and concern spouse as opposed to the traditional function of corporate bull and bean counter. The direction comptroller ‘s function has evolved and is determining up into a strategic fiscal contriver and director of information. The direction comptroller is said to be h olding less to make with the everyday accounting pattern. ( Siegel 2000, Cooper and Dart, 2009, Latshaw, A. and Choi, Y. , 2000 ) . New countries of focal point of the direction accountant include the development of fiscal programs, information engineering systems direction, assisting in the formation of concern aims every bit good as monitoring consequences and maintaining up with selling aims. Others are direction and organisation of work force, playing consultative function in operational determinations, programmes and undertakings. ( Feeney and Pierce, 2007 ) . For the direction comptroller to work efficaciously as concern spouse, certain accomplishments must be acquired. This will include the quality of analysing and treating unwritten and numeral informations into meaningful information. This should be buttressed by the ability to work efficaciously in a squad. ( Curruth, 2004 ) As concern spouse, the direction comptroller combines both the traditional function of protecting the assets of the concern with a new function of analysis and engagement in determination devising in the concern disposal. ( Kennedy and Sorensen, 2006 ) . Caron ( 2006 ) , defined stairss that should be taken for the direction comptroller to presume the place of a concern spouse. They include: Acting as operation and cognition expert. He/she should be able to supply best pattern information and strategic accomplishments. Should be able to set to pattern the cognition acquired in developing strategic direction programs. He/she should be able to mobilise the human resources at his disposal. He/she should be able to circulate accounting information efficaciously.Management accounting the place of the traditional function.Although Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) opined that the traditional accounting function of the direction comptroller had lost its value and have argued that it is no more relevant to the dynamism of today ‘s universe, non everyone believe their sentiment is best for direction accounting, and have therefore expressed their reserves. ( Bromich and Bhimani 1989 ; Burns et Al 1999 ; Yazdifar and Tsamenyi 2005 ) . Baldvinsdottir et Al. ( 2009 ) are of the sentiment that a return to the traditional or â€Å" mechanical †accounting methods is of great importance particularly at this period of economic down-turn. They argue that although the ballyhoo about the altering function of the direction comptroller, a batch of the traditional accounting function has comparatively remained the same over several decennaries. Luft ( 1997 ) is of the position that history serves as a platform for understanding the present ; that the oversights of the nowadays could really be alleviated by mentioning back to history. Fleischman and Funnell ( 2006 ) , while holding with Johnson and Kaplan, that it is of import that direction accounting studies provide direction with information that will help them in minimising cost and improved productiveness, argue that although these activities are frontward looking, they have to be based on what they described as â€Å" intimate dependance between the past and future †. They insist this is necessary because of the uncertainnesss and instabilities associated with commercial environments, coupled with the intricatsies of direction. That, direction comptrollers in the class of seeking to do the information they provide more utile to their organisations should bear in head that this should be done in observation of necessary ethical issues. Beaman and Richardson ( 2007 ) found out in their research that accounting patterns within organisations are being confined to the traditional function, alternatively of the expected function of determination support and job resolution. There has been the recognition of the broad usage of traditional accounting techniques in most organisations as opposed to the supposed outlook of radically new advanced accounting techniques being adopted by these organisations. ( Burns and Scapens, 2000 ) .Emerging techniques in direction accounting.Some comparatively new trends/techniques have emerged with the purpose of undertaking the insufficiencies of the traditional accounting methods. Some of them have been lauded as the new title-holders of direction accounting solution suppliers in organisations. ( Cooper and Kaplan, 1991 ) . Although these techniques are extremely praised, their acceptance and execution may non hold been as widely accepted as the ballyhoo associated with them. ( Collier and Gregory, 1995 ; Roslender and Hart, 2003 ) . These techniques include: Activity based costing ( ABC ) ; The coming of ABC has changed the pattern of cost allotment necessitating that direction accountants develop more analytical accomplishment to undertake the complexnesss of apportioning operating expenses to different cost objects utilizing cost drivers. ( Burns and Yazdifar, 2001 ; Byrne and Pierce, 2007 ; Anderson, 1995 ) . ABC made the direction comptroller an indispensable portion of the determination doing procedure by concentrating on pertinent information needed to better steadfast public presentation financially and market wise. ( Kennedy and Affleck-Graves, 2001 ) . Kaplan and Anderson ( 2004 ) nevertheless noted that organisations have abandoned ABC because of its failure to capture the complex nature of their operations, the holds of execution and the cost consequence which are normally excessively expensive. Balanced scorecard ( BSC ) : The balanced scorecard enables the direction comptroller to strategically mensurate public presentation and develop a model for the strategic measuring and direction systems ( Kaplan and Norton, 2007 ) . It changes accent from fiscal facet to encompassing client, internal and every bit good as acquisition and growing factors of organisations. ( Kaplan and Norton, 1996 ) . This has altered the function of the direction accountant puting him strategically as a determination support specializer. ( Latshaw and Choi, 2002 ) . BSCs are adopted by houses for strategic public presentation measuring, but the result of these steps is normally developed to encompass operational scheme, nevertheless it was noted that organisations frequently fail in seeking to set BCS into a peculiar usage ( Wiersma, 2009 ) . Atkinson ( 2006 ) noted that the BSC has been found deficient from empirical consequences of its benefits.Strategic direction accounting:Strategic direction acc ounting ( SMA ) : SMA shifts the focal point of direction comptroller to non-financial factors external to the organisation. ( Simmonds,1981 ) . It demands that the direction comptroller be knowing in subjects like public presentation indexs development, value concatenation analysis every bit good as capacity cost direction. It broadens the range of the direction accountant beyond the house to strategizing for competitory market and chances. ( Whiteley, 1995 ) . SMA requires the direction comptroller as a member of the cross functional squad which his function now embraces to convey to bear relevant information and expertness that will help determination devising. ( Roslender and Hart, 2001 ) . The direction comptroller now addresses the impact of other non-financial activities, the cost place of rivals, and rating of rival merchandises and services. These activities have placed the direction comptroller in the important function of strategic contriver and concern spouse. ( Whiteley , 1995 ; Langfield-Smith, 2008 ) . However, Roslender and Hart ( 2003 ) , noted that what constitutes strategic direction accounting is still non clearly defined. Collier and Gregory, ( 1995 ) opined that the degree of execution of strategic direction accounting may postpone in different economic systems. That is, the economic system determines the scheme and functionality of the direction comptrollers. Enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) : ERP requires the direction comptroller to hold sound cognition that will enable him to supply information that will technically run into the demands of the house. It besides demands that the MA be versed with cognition of concern maps related to production, selling and information engineering. For the direction comptroller to acquire traveling with all these maps, he needs to construct a sound inter-personal and societal accomplishments. ( Barton, 2009 ; Pierce and O'Dea, 2003 ) . It may nevertheless cut down occupations, making unemployment. Enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) : enables the direction comptroller to track â€Å" production by occupation, work centre, and activity †( Zimmerman, 2009:720 ) . However, respondents to research carried out by Knnerley and Neely ( 2001 ) were non certain the debut of ERP to their organisations had made any noticeable impact.Factors driving the alteration in the function of direction accounting.The utility of direction accounting has come under examination following factors like: mechanization of mill procedures and processs, information engineering, competition, and globalisation, complexness of concern among others. Some of these factors and their significance will be discussed briefly. Information Technology: ( Carruth, 2004 ; Beaman and Richardson, 2007 ) , noted that information engineering has enabled direction comptrollers to take more responsible functions in their organisations. The direction comptroller is now able to salvage clip in his analysis and reading of information. The direction comptroller helps in showing informations in a signifier that makes them relevant and utile for managerial intent. This involves strategizing and being involved in the determination devising procedure. Granlund, M. and Malmi, T. ( 2002 ) It has changed the nature of information and placed determination doing on information provided by the direction comptroller. ( Atkinson et al. 1999 ) . Automation ; requires the direction comptroller to develop more analytical accomplishments and to be able to supply such information that will enable houses take determinations and follow such schemes that will assist them remain in competition. ( Kerremans et al. , 1991 ) . Automation is advantageous in take downing labor cost, but may make occupation losingss. ( Mantripragada and Sweeney, 1981 ) .Other factors:Other noteworthy factors driving the function alteration in direction accounting include ; the accent on quality, rational capital, more client focused organisations, addition in overhead cost, less of direct labor cost, and precedence on environmental and external issues. These factors have helped orient the direction comptroller ‘s function to that of a strategic contriver and a concern spouse. The direction comptroller now takes a more proactive function in cognizing and supplying solutions to strategic issues in his organisation. The issue of competitory concern env ironment which is closely related to globalisation is another major factor impacting the manner direction accounting maps are handled in organisations.DecisionAlthough there have been demands for the alteration in accent on the function of direction comptroller, this alteration has non been absolute. This is because the cost and complexness of using these new techniques have made their acceptance slow. The debut of new techniques in direction accounting and the impact of assorted factors have made the direction comptroller more focussed on non-financial facets of organisations and has widened the range of activities external to the organisation, doing him a utile portion of the determination devising procedure. However recent issues ‘ following the economic downswing has suggested keeping of portion of the traditional function in combination with new techniques might be more utile. ( Balvinsdottir et al. , July/Aug. 2009 ) Furthermore, the importance of these new techniques and the benefit they provide to organisations can non be overemphasized. These new inventions have made the direction comptroller more flexible, a solution supplier and an of import portion of the organisation as concern spouse and strategian, reconstructing relevancy. ( Johnson, 1992 ) . It is notable that though many are the advantages of implementing these new techniques, some organisations still stick to traditional accounting because it is less complex to implement, salvaging clip.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Advantages Of The Welfare State - 1864 Words
This essay will look at why the NHS and welfare state was brought in. It will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of having a welfare state and the equalities of health within different social classes. The welfare state was developed in 1942 after The Beverage report (, 2016). In 1941, the government commissioned a report in the ways Britain should be re built after world war two, Beverage was the obvious choice to take charge of this. The Beverage report was then published in 1942 with the recommendations that the government should find ways of fighting the five ‘Giant Evils’ of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. The Beveridge report quickly became the blueprint for the modern British welfare state. 1945 saw†¦show more content†¦but by a combination. Welfare is often associated with needs, but it goes beyond need to achieve well-being, allowing people to have choices, and the scope to choose personal goals and ambitions (Spicker, 2017). Collectivism known as the â€Å"Community Support†is based more on the political theory rather than strictly a sociological perspective as it has its basis in political values, it is a form of universality, meaning that it is where the most vulnerable people in society are given some support, for example, disabled, homeless, elderly and children. All these groups are given some form of support for example, disabled are given disability living allowance, elderly can get a state pension, children can get child benefit and the homeless can get housing and council tax benefits (collectivism, n.d.). A perfect example of Collectivism in the UK is the welfare state (benefits). The obvious advantages of having welfare state (Goverment politics, 2017) Is the greater level of equality amongst citizens meaning happier people less crime? The greatest disadvantage of a welfare state includes high tax rates and large government deficits to support the programs. Welfare programs are also thought to create a system that favours unemployment and low productivity amongst those receiving benefits. 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