Wednesday, November 27, 2019
College Essay Help
College Essay Help College Essay Help Can style be taught? Style is your way of writing - the expression of your personality as an essay writer. Style can also be defined as writing that expresses or carries the voice of the author without which essay writing is dead. Sometimes, the style of college essay writer's is so strong that the tutor can recognize it without knowing the identity of the author. Many students ask whether essay style can be taught. In at least one fundamental sense, essay style is elusive in much the same way as rhythm or good taste or passion is elusive. Every student possesses his own writing style; however, not every student is able to write a good essay.College essays are interesting to write, however, college essay writing is a challenge. We hope that the below tips and other articles under this section will help you learn something useful about writing college essay. College Essay Online There are two cardinal rules to improve and develop college essay writing style: by writing (regular writing) by developing an awareness of the style of others (reading and studying the essays of others) Read the following specific strategies for developing your own college essay writing style: expose yourself to things you want to write about read widely (not just one author) mark passages that please you and reread them, noting why they please you underscore the good figures of speech, count their frequency and taste their flavor Ordering college essay online, an experienced writer will adjust his own writing style to meet the requirements of your tutor. In addition, placing an order at .com, you are welcome to upload a sample of your writing and our writer will definitely take it into account. College essay help we provide is of high academic standard. We deliver only custom written college essays and we are never late with delivery: College Essay Help Prior to writing college essay, examine the below principles of style. aim for simplicity avoid trite phrases and cliches use figures of speech appropriately avoid euphemisms, slang and colloquialisms choose your words carefully (seek the right word; avoid rare and difficult words) avoid repeating key words (unless for emphasis or effect) avoid redundancy use alliteration keep sentences as short as possible develop a feel for rhythm be original is your chance to get a college essay help of truly high academic level. We have developed an advance plagiarism detecting system and provide free plagiarism report to prove authenticity of your college essay. Read more: Analysis Case Studies Editing Paper Term Malayalam Essays Literary Essay Hamlet Essay on Poverty
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The ULTIMATE Guide to KDP How to Succeed on Kindle Direct Publishing
The ULTIMATE Guide to KDP How to Succeed on Kindle Direct Publishing The Ultimate Guide to KDP: How to Succeed on Kindle Direct Publishing What do Andy Weir and Luke Jennings have in common? Not much - at least until self-publishing through Amazon changed their lives. Jennings, with his Booker Prize nomination, already belonged in the writerly mainstream. Weir, on the other hand, wrote code before he ever wrote novels, learning C as a teenager to work with combustion researchers.Since then, both have released books through Amazon’s self-publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing. Jennings’ novella, Codename Villanelle, became the basis for the acclaimed BBC thriller Killing Eve. Weir, meanwhile, saw his first novel, The Martian, turned into a Matt Damon blockbuster by the same name.Amazon turned a journalist and a programmer into international publishing sensations. Want to succeed on KDP like they did? Let’s take a look at everything you’d need to do to make this powerful sales platform work for you. Before we're done, we'll turn the killer book you wrote into a self-published bestseller . How do you turn the book you wrote into a self-published bestseller? How to sell ebooks on AmazonYou’re here because you want to sell as many copies of your book as possible. You might think that’s easier said than done. But truthfully, the formula behind making book sales is simple: Traffic x Conversion = Sales.Traffic gets eyeballs on your book, while conversion turns those gawkers into buyers. On its own, traffic does nothing for your bottom line. Every internet-user in California could find your book page in the same afternoon, but their 18 million clicks will only frustrate you if none of those virtual window-shoppers turns into an actual shopper. On the flip side, you might have a book page so bewitching that everyone who finds it compulsively mashes the orange buy button. But if only three people ever stumble on your page, your black-magic conversion rate still only nets you three sales.Both factors go into making sales. But on Amazon specifically, conversion is more important. You see, Amazon, on top of being a search engine, is also a book recommendation tool. It makes and sends book suggestions to users based on their browsing and shopping history. Most huge Amazon success stories happened because, at some point, Amazon started marketing their book for them. So how can you get them to do the same for your book?Well, Amazon has the same goal as you: selling books. The more books they sell to its users, the happier they'll be. So when their algorithms have a choice between promoting two books with a similar sales history, Amazon will naturally favor the one with greater on-page conversion. They know the extra traffic they send to that book page will turn into more sales than the other book.As a result, one of the worst things that can happen to an author on Amazon is to get a lot of traffic with very poor conversion. This will immediately flag the book to Amazon's algorithms as a "loser," and it'll never get recommended.So in short, on Amazon, conversion is even more important than traffic which is why you must, first and foremost, focus on optimizing your KDP book's Amazon product pages.Optimizing your KDP book’s Amazon product pageNow, let’s talk about how you get the sky-scraping conversion rate of your dreams. Youà ¢â‚¬â„¢ll need an Amazon product page that tempts viewers into hitting â€Å"Buy now with 1-Click.†Remember that workplace cliche about dressing for the job you want and not the job you have? While we don’t recommend aping your boss’s favorite suit, this principle does apply to maximizing conversion on your product page.To be a bestseller, your book should look like a bestseller. That means dressing your words up in the right packaging, so they seem worthy of book club adulation and blogosphere hype. To achieve that, you’ll need to optimize your product page with three things:A polished cover;A punchy description; andBook reviews.As a bonus, set up an author page on Amazon Central with a bio that tells your story as engagingly as possible.1. Create a polished coverSay I'm a bookworm shopping for my next read. As a huge fan of Ender’s Game, I want something in the same vein, so browse around the Kindle Store. Do you know how many books there are in that Military Science Fiction category? More than 20,000.A lot of these might be self-published, but a good number of them also come from traditional publishing companies. These industry behemoths have four-figure design budgets and will producing pixel-perfect book covers. 3. Leverage your existing audienceThis one’s pretty obvious. If you have an existing audience - whether that’s a sizable mailing list, thousands of Twitter followers, or a horde of disciples who follow you wherever you go - let them know about your book.Unless, and we can’t stress this enough, your existing audience doesn’t read in your genre. Make sure you don’t t pollute your Also Boughts!4. Cross-promote with other authorsA great way to reach new readers is to cross-promote with other authors. Plenty of indie authors do that through newsletter swaps: you promote their new release to your mailing list, and they do the same for you when you launch your book.Of course, this only works if you have a mailing list. So if you don’t, you know what you should do next.5. AdvertiseAnother sure-fire to reach new readers? Leverage the three main advertising platforms that have proven successful for authors selling their books:Facebook advertising : take our free course here;Amazon advertising: yep, we also have a free course for those;Bookbub advertising: I’ll let you guess where this link will take you.Amazon ads can be pretty effective at providing a solid baseline of sales - even at full-price. But Facebook and BookBub will work much, much better if your book is discounted (or free), and they are also a lot easier to scale.If this is your first time publishing a book, don’t worry: you don’t need to do all these things. You just need to plan your launch well, and try at least some of these tactics.And remember, if you want an experienced professional to help you along the way, we’ve handpicked specialist book marketers on Reedsy who do just that. So don’t hesitate to get in touch and ask them for a quote!Have you joined the ranks of indie authors publishing through KDP? What do you wish you’d known before you started? Tell us about your experiences or drop some pearls of wisdom be low!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Transnational Actors influences on World Politics Essay
Transnational Actors influences on World Politics - Essay Example This article approves that international bodies and nation-states must usually obtain the feedback of monitoring missions and vital facts about world politics from transnational agencies and INGOs, because states are effective only within their borders due to the doctrine of non-meddling in internal affairs of other states. This is especially true without binding resolutions of international bodies such as the United Nations Security Council and the European among others. Transnational actors may be ineffective in setting the agenda for norm creation around the world or in particular economic regions due to the varying political will among the affected member states. As a consequence, the basic things needed to create effective international agreements with and across state actors normally become long-drawn and, thus, the role of transnational actors seems to be less effective. This paper makes a conclusion that owing to the inexorable role of nation-states in the world politics, it behooves transnational actors to work with states and even persuade them to adopt internationally accepted norms. The working relationship is, however, not smooth due to the varying priorities of each of the two organizations. For example, nation-states would rather observe national security over human rights. Regardless, transnational actors owe their success in fighting global problems to massive lobbying of the local societies of great powers such as the United States, to in turn buy the agenda and present it to the international community for passage and enactment.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Career Management Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Career Management Plan - Assignment Example My Career management Plan sets the timeline for achieving this objective by 30th January 2017. While this may be quite an ambitious goal especially when looking at the timeline, my passion for this career path propped by my personality and academic background would play a pivotal role in safeguarding the achievement of the goal. With a thirteen years’ experience and training in animal control, animal handling, animal control code enforcement and supervision, it is imminent that I have the requisite skills, abilities and knowledge for the job. However, this does not undermine the fact that more learning and experience in varied capacities is required to achieve my career objective. Nevertheless, in my 13 years’ experience, I have found out that I derive immeasurable satisfaction in enforcing the provisions of all the applicable ordinances, laws, codes and regulations pertaining to animal control as well as initiating the necessary actions in order to correct violations a nd deviations. My passion for overseeing the compliance of animal control regulations has informed my desire and goal of being a Chief Animal Control Officer by the end of January 2017. Interim Goals My career plan, goals, and objectives are set upon a number of interim goals. The interim goals aid in the pursuit of my career aim of becoming a Chief Animal Control Officer. In essence, my first interim career goal is to possess and maintain a valid Animal Control Enforcement Certification from my state. This will aid in attaining the necessary requirement in my department for becoming a Chief Animal Control Officer. In addition, it would set me on the right path of my career by differentiating my roles in line with the career. My second interim goal would be possession and maintenance of a valid Euthanasia Certification. With this certification, the roles and responsibilities that will be assigned even in my current position will be more in line with my career. My third interim goal is to obtain and maintain a valid Chemical Immobilization Certification from the Drug Enforcement Agency. This is not only a requirement in my Department for anyone who aims at [performing duties and responsibilities in animal control field, but also complements my two previous goals. My fourth interim objective is to play a greater role in the supervision and motivation of subordinates. This interim goal aims at outlining my initiative and passion as an individual in safeguarding quality service provision in the department. In essence, this will be combined with training my subordinates on the various aspects of the animal control field. This would allow for the growth of more enhanced interaction and communication skills necessary in my career as Chief Animal Control Officer. My fifth interim objective is to gain experience as Animal Control Officer in line with the basic animal control course taken. This is in line with obtaining a driver’s license which would enhance my c apacity to execute my duties and responsibilities as Chief Animal Control Officer. In essence, this is the initial step taken by individuals who aim at becoming a Chief Animal Control Officer. Resources Needed There are variations as to the resources required to meet the interim goals, as well as the ultimate goal. The first interim goal will require that I relocate to West Virginia
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Auditory System Essay Example for Free
Auditory System Essay The world contains all kinds of energy that translates into information about what we see, hear, smell, touch and taste. A sensory system is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing specific sensory information. The components of a sensory system include sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. To begin, energy from the environment stimulates the receptor cells in whichever sense organ is being used. If this information were auditory, the ear would convert sound waves in the air into electrical impulses that would further be interpreted by the brain as sound. A sound wave first enters the pinna, the fleshy part of the ear on the outside of the body. It then travels through the external auditory canal where it then meets the eardrum, a thin membrane in the outer ear. The eardrum then vibrates in response to the sound wave. What we hear will depend on the wavelength and frequency of the wave. The eardrum is connected to a group of three small bones call â€Å"the ossicles†in the middle ear. This group includes the malleus, incus and the stapes. These three bones, the smallest in the human body, protect the eardrum from more intense sounds and also deliver the vibrations to the base of the stapes. The stapes then sends the vibrations into the inner ear and interacts with the round window. The round window, a small membrane that allows liquid inside the inner ear to be displaced and receive the vibration. The vibration travels through the spiral structure of the inner ear called the cochlea and ends at the round window. Inside the cochlea there are three canals: the scala vestibuli, the scala media and the scala tympani. The scala vestibule leads up to the apex of the cochlea, the scala tympani leads down to the round window and the scala media sits in between the other two canals. All of these canals are filled with fluid and are separated by two different membranes; Reissner’s membrane and the Basilar membrane. Both of these membranes are flexible and respond to the vibrations traveling through the scala vestibuli. The movements of the membranes then send the vibrations down the scala tympani. A structure called the Organ of Corti, which is situated on the basilar membrane, becomes stimulated as the membrane vibrates and sends nerve impulses to the brain. Within the Organ of Corti are a group of specialized cells called hair cells, which are covered by the tectorial membrane. As the basilar membrane vibrates, the hair cells are bents and push up against the tectorial membrane. This causes the hair cells to fire and send nerve impulses to the auditory cortex on each of the brains hemispheres through the cochlear nerve. How we determine pitch can be explained with two different theories. The Place Theory states that the entire basilar membrane does not vibrate at once so different parts of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies of sound. Lower frequency sounds vibrate the basilar membrane near the apex of the cochlea while higher frequency sounds produce vibrations closer to the base. The Frequency Theory states that the frequency of firing matches the frequency of the sound wave. Hearing loss can occur for a number of reasons. Damage to the eardrum due to age and prolonged exposure to loud noise may cause the hairs or nerve cells in the cochlea to wear out and become less effective. A buildup of earwax can block the ear canal and prevent of sound waves from entering the eardrum. Otosclerosis, a genetic form of hearing loss in which the stapes is fixed in place so sound cannot enter the inner ear.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Adultery Explored in The Scarlet Letter Essay -- The Scarlet Letter Es
That Nathaniel Hawthorne to chose such a controversial topic as adultery for The Scarlet Letter, his nineteenth century novel of "seventeenth century sexual repression and hypocrisy" (Zabarenko PG), demonstrates a delicate yet changing climate with regard to infidelity. Historically, carrying on an adulterous affair back in such an era of Puritanism and traditional values was not taken lightly; in fact, by today's standards, such horrific treatment for what is now considered an everyday occurrence was more harsh than murders suffer by current standards. Those who acted out of the vows of matrimony centuries ago, as Hester Prynne did in The Scarlet Letter, paid a high price for their momentary pleasures of the flesh. In those days, the Puritans saw to it that such a crime was "punishable by death" (Zabarenko PG); behavior so unbecoming of a religious devotee deserved no less. However, Prynne escaped such a fate when she did the unthinkable: she chose to sleep with a "self-righteous" (Zabarenko PG) priest who ultimately fathered her child. After her adulterous affair was discovered, Prynne's punishment of wearing a red A on her bodice acted as a vivid reminder to all who saw her. Yet human beings were still human beings even back then -- it is just that extramarital affairs were not looked upon as an acceptable activity. While they are not exactly condoned within today's society, there has been a remarkable change in attitude toward the punishment of such sexual indiscretions compared to those of Hawthorne's time period. "What people are saying is that this is wrong but the temptation is great and it's part of being human that we fall into temptation. The extra thing about adultery is that if a person admits they were wron... ...oes nothing more than eat away at his heart and soul. Had they known of his participation, the townspeople would have relished the thought of such suffering. Clearly, tolerance towards such acts of the flesh was not welcome in the time of The Scarlet Letter. In an oppressed, emotionally smothered community as theirs, it is no surprise they were unable to see past the adultery and into the true love that had captured the characters. WORKS CITED Barna, Mark Richard. "Nathaniel Hawthorne And The Unpardonable Sin.," The World & I, (1998) : vol. 13, pp. 324. Grenier, Richard. "The Scarlet Letter Takes Liberties With History, Sin.," The Washington Times, (1995) : pp. PG. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Scarlet Letter." (New York: Bantam Books, 1986). Zabarenko, Deborah. "U.S. Obsession With Adultery Harks Back To Puritans.," Reuters, (1997) : pp. PG.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Democratic Leadership Essay
Explain what is meant by democratic leadership. Evaluate the effectiveness of employing a democratic leadership style on the success of Harrods. Use E-library sources to find another example that had also been successful using a democratic leadership style. Democratic leadership style is an open and collegial style where ideas between the leaders and the subordinates flow freely as the discussions are held in an open manner and where all members opinions are respected. It’s often participative and involves employees in the decision making process. It involves the redistribution of power and authority between employees and managers to provide employee involvement in decision-making. The following features characterize democratic leadership: †¢Distribution of responsibility: A manager that leads democratically will distribute responsibility among his group to facilitate participation in decision-making. †¢Empowering group members: Leaders must empower their members so that the members can accomplish their responsibilities. Empowerment includes providing training and education necessary for delegated task completion. †¢Aiding group decision-making process: A major role of a democratic leader is to ensure democratic deliberation in making group decisions. This means that a leader should act as a facilitator and mediator between group members and ensure that a psychologically healthy and respectful environment is maintained. Advantages of Democratic leadership: †¢Democratic leadership techniques generally will do a better job creating job satisfaction because it fosters a sense of participation, control and autonomy. †¢Greater employee participation in decision-making may also lead to greater innovation and creative solutions to problems that will better serve an organization. Disadvantages of Democratic leadership: †¢It may not be as efficient as a more traditional centralized and authoritarian form of direction. †¢It may be more costly to the organization in time and resources. †¢Accountability may sometimes present a problem. Employing democratic leadership at Harrods has the following advantages: †¢Employees felt that they are more important to doing the job as they have been given more responsibilities and methods to share their opinions. †¢The pressure has been reduced from mangers as they delegated more responsibilities to employees and were left out with more strategic decisions to be made. †¢Performance at Harrods have increased because the employees felt that they are more important and have more self-confidence. †¢The workflow of departments became more fluent as the department heads and employees have a degree of freedom to make decisions. The only disadvantage was that top management has lost some of its powers over the employees, but the overall benefits exceeds the cost which acts in favor of Harrods management. Another example of Democratic leadership company is Apple as it gives its employees the freedom to make decisions and to be creative in the workplace.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away and Japaneseness Essay
Japan is a country rich in tradition and culture. Hayao Miyazaki, the face of Japanese anime film world wide, has displayed this culture and Japanese value(s) throughout his career in many of his films. Spirited Away (2001) is arguably his most famous and successful film to date. Throughout the film, there are numerous displays of â€Å"Japaneseness.†The themes present in the film represent the value structure, and what Japan sees as important among its history and tradition. Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1941. His father was an executive member of the family company, Miyazaki Aircraft, at which he helped build military aircraft parts during WWII. As a result, his family found ease with the great wealth that they shared in, which young Miyazaki was sometimes troubled by. He felt guilty for living well during a period in time where many Japanese were suffering at the hands of the war (MacWilliams and Schodt 256). He graduated university with a degree in political science and economics, which heightened his understanding of the distressed Japanese economic climate. This expertise, coupled with his childhood guilt, would lead him to write certain subject matter into many of his films. In 1985, Miyazaki joined forces with fellow anime director and writer, Isao Takahata, to create Studio Ghibli (Napier). The studio went on to produce some of the most popular animated films to come out of Japan –including Miyazaki’s masterpiece, Spirited Away. Studio Ghibli, and specifically, Mr. Miyazaki’s work, has been compared to America’s Walt Disney Studios, and has even been unofficially dubbed â€Å"Disney of Japan†and â€Å"Disney of the East†by some fans and critics. â€Å"Miyazaki’s films do not operate on Hollywood logic, and his storytelling style may seem strange, even frustrating to a Western audience brought up on Disney†¦the fantastic is more accepted in Japanese culture than it is in the Western world, which carries the heritage of the Enlightenment in its psyche†(Baskan). Miyazaki has become the well-known face of fantastical anime film across the globe. He integrates Japanese spiritual beliefs and culture in all his films in such a way that his characters and themes surpass ethnic borders and resonate with all viewe rs. His most famous film, Spirited Away, creates a seemingly abstract view of the world through Japanese values and traditions while subtly presenting the realities of today’s world. Some common themes among the film, Spirited Away include: themes of life and death, survival, maturation, the economy and its influences, and transcendence (whether it be physically transcending a threshold, or otherwise). By showcasing these themes, Miyazaki is able to showcase the Japanese Value system. For example, there is a big presence of elders in Miyazaki films. The Japanese put a big emphasis of respecting elders. Other values, which may appear to be subtle among the Japanese, but showcase widely for the international audience, include things like taking off your shoes when entering a home, or respect for nature or the spirits. In class, we talked about the Shinto tradition and the relatedness between the spiritual, natural, and human worlds. This is very widely emphasized in Spirited Away. The entire film is based on the relation between the spirits –among themselves –and among the human world. In Spirited Away, Chihiro’s parents’ transformation into pigs is the first symbol of gluttony in the film. It can also be interpreted as the first sign of capitalism. The motif continues to appear throughout the film with the business run in the Bath House. The workers and the owner, Yubaba, are concerned only with making money. This also can translate into an attack on a capitalist society (Yoshioka 258). Japan adopted capitalism after World War II, so Hayao Miyazaki grew up in a capitalist country. Not only that, but Japan, as a country is an extremely nationalistic. These factors, combined with his college expertise in both political science and economics, can be seen throughout the film. Miyazaki uses these undertones concerning his life experiences with society, as well as his education, within many his films. â€Å"Miyazaki’s belief that all Japanese share a certain sense of past is another important focal point. The subtle blending of personal experience into historical ‘fact’ formulates a sense of past that looks and feels familiar to the audience, even though they have never experienced it†(MacWilliams and Schodt 257). One of Miyazaki’s characteristic directing techniques is his apt combinatio n of his personal experience with elements of Japanese culture. Driving much of his work is the influence of Shintoism. This â€Å"religious†understanding of the spirits and nature in relation to humans that is distinctly Japanese in practice. Spirited Away is the perfect example of a film that illustrates this spiritual practice, albeit in a somewhat stretched manner. There’s wide use of Japanese folklore within Spirited Away. The title itself says, â€Å"Kamikakushi†meaning â€Å"hidden by entities†which, in Japan, is used when women or children go missing (Reider 8). This itself is a very mature theme, and while the film is fun to watch, it takes a deeper understanding of the content to fully appreciate it. The importance of one’s name is also a key concept in the film, and within Japanese society. In the film, to forget your given name is to forget yourself, and if you forget yourself, you become stuck in Yubaba’s control for eternity. This is how Haku found himself a servant to Yubaba for so many years. It was not until Chihiro helped Haku remember that he is the River Spirit that Haku was free at last. The film reflects the importance of identity, which is not just a Japanese concept, but a universal one, as well. Another theme of the film is that of growing up and maturing. Because Chihiro is forced to be by herself in this unknown place, she’s made to adapt and mature without much thought. To bring her to this point, it took the traumatic experience of losing her parents, the fear of never seeing them again, and â€â€her biggest fearâ€â€not surviving. Miyazaki was well-off when he was young, so this could be a reflection of seeing people forced into early independence during the War. Only through trusting in someone who claimed to be a friend was she able to get along as well as she did, and succeed in ultimately getting her life back. Many of the other characters were based loosely off of Shinto legends. The Shinto belief is that there’s a very thin line between the spirit world and the human world, which is reflected throughout the film in the bizarre interactions between the bathhouse world and outside reality. Through the use of Hayao Miyazaki’s extensive personal experience with Japanese culture, and his education in Political Science and economics, he has been able to showcase Japanese values and traditions through his film. He is a world-ren owned writer and director, and through his work in Anime film, he has opened the eyes of the western world to this Eastern culture. My understanding of Japaneseness is the nationalistic and traditional points of view showcased throughout Spirited Away. The idea that spirits are all around you, and encompass nature. The importance of family above all else, the emphasis on self-responsibility, and so-on. Japaneseness is not one single thing, but a compilation of many things. It is to fully take in all aspects of being Japanese. Bibliography Baskan, Funda Basak. â€Å"Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Gake no Ue no Ponyo).†Marvels & Tales 24.2 (2010): 363,366,368. ProQuest. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. MacWilliams, Mark W., and Frederik L. Schodt. Japanese Visual Culture : Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime. M.E. Sharpe, Inc. : Armonk, NY, USA, 2008. Print. Napier, Susan J. â€Å"Matter Out Of Place: Carnival, Containment, And Cultural Recovery In Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.†Journal Of Japanese Studies 32.2 (2006): 287-310. Academic Search Elite. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Reider, Noriko T. â€Å"Spirited Away: Film Of The Fantastic And Evolving Japanese Folk Symbols.†Film Criticism 29.3 (2005): 4-27. Academic Search Elite. Web. 20 Nov. 2013.
Friday, November 8, 2019
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) - Definitions
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) - Definitions Definition A traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in countries where English is generally not a local medium of communication. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) corresponds roughly to the Expanding Circle described by linguist Braj Kachru in Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language in the Outer Circle (1985). See examples and observations below. Also see: English as a Second LanguageTop Four ESL WebsitesCommunicative CompetenceContrastive RhetoricEnglish as an Additional LanguageEnglish as a Lingua FrancaEnglish as a Native LanguageEnglish as a Second LanguageGlobal EnglishInner Circle, Outer Circle, Expanding CircleInterlanguageNative SpeakerismNew EnglishesNotes on English as a Global LanguageSecond Language (L2)World English Example and Observations: ESL and EFL instructional approaches differ in significant ways. ESL is based on the premise that English is the language of the community and the school and that students have access to English models. EFL is usually learned in environments where the language of the community and the school is not English. EFL teachers have the difficult task of finding access to and providing English models for their students. . . . As the number of ESL students has increased in schools across North America, more classrooms and school have become more like EFL than ESL environments.(Lee Gunderson, ESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction: A Guidebook to Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2009)Distinctions Between ESL and EFLAlthough ESL (English as Second Language) and EFL (English as Foreign Language) are often used interchangeably, there are unique differences between the two. . . .ESL countries are nations where the medium of instruction in education and government is in English, although English may not be the native language.On the other hand, EFL countries do not use English as a medium of instruction but English is taught in schools. Malaysia was once considered an ESL country but now leans more towards EFL.The methods and approaches of teaching English as a second language and foreign language do differ greatly.(Christopher Fernandez, Of English Teachers Then and Now. The Star [Malaysia], November 11, 2012)The distinction between second language and foreign language is not, however, a sharp one, and there are cases, like Indonesia, where classification is disputable. Moreover, there is a considerable amount of variation in the roles played by second languages, for example in education, in the fields of discourse used, and in the giving of prestige or power. In India, the medium of instruction in schools was changed from English to the regional languages after Independence, and subsequently there has been a gradual process of Indianization of the universities, which at one time were all English-medium.(Charles Barber, The English Language: A Historical Introduction. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000)Indonesia, a former Dutch colony, used to emphasize the teaching of Dutch . . .. The movement towards English as a foreign language began at independence, and English is now the main foreign language being learned in Indonesia. English is taught for eight or nine years from primary school (from Grade 4 or 5) through high school (Renandya, 2000). The main objective is to provide reading skills to enable Indonesians to read science-related materials in English.(Maria Lourdes S. Bautista and Andrew B. Gonzalez, Southeast Asian Englishes. The Handbook of World Englishes, ed. by Braj B. Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, and Cecil L. Nelson. Blackwell, 2006)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Business Essay
How to Write a Business Essay How to Write a Business Essay Purpose of a Business Essay Writing a business essay is for the purpose of conveying a message, giving information, or convincing the readers to take some sort of action. So, the business essay must be clear and to the point. It is a good idea to make sure you know your audience before you start. This will assist you in creating a good outline that will keep you focused on the task and topic. This also ensures that you effectively demonstrate your point to your audience. Segments of a Business Essay In order to write an effective business essay, you need to be organized and create the essay in relevant segments. These segments are: Purpose of the Essay The Title The Introduction The Body The Conclusion Purpose of the Essay The purpose of your essay is what your topic is about which should be established before you start writing. This is where you come up with your topic, unless you have already been assigned a topic. If you are charged with choosing your own topic, then you will want to write about something you know of, keeps your interest, or sparks your passion. After you choose a topic, then use it to craft your thesis statement, which should be a single sentence about the main idea of your essay. The Title Your title is another important element of your essay because it is what most people will use to decide if they want to read your essay. The title should express the main idea of the essay and be persuasive. For example, â€Å"Get 50% More Traffic to Your Website with these Tips!†is more persuasive than, â€Å"Websites Need Plenty of Traffic.†The Introduction The introduction of your business essay reconfirms your thesis statement and introduces the main idea of your essay to your audience. This should be one paragraph and should give the reader a good idea about the topic covered in the essay. This is another segment where many readers will look to decide if your essay is worth reading. The Body The body of your essay is the meat of the essay. This is where the main content is located and is where you go on to develop your story, based on your research or notes. The body should contain all relevant key points about the topic and it should be informative. The body should also give the reader a call to action, if necessary. The body of the essay should contain a paragraph on each key point about the topic. The Conclusion The conclusion of your essay should sum up the purpose and topic, as well as tie back into your introduction. The introduction contains a purpose statement but the conclusion summarizes the purpose and all relevant key points in the essay. Feel free to get professional Business essay help from top-rated academic writers at our custom writing service. All Business essay papers are written from scratch. Plagiarism-free and high quality are guaranteed.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Advantages of e-CRM systems Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advantages of e-CRM systems - Coursework Example This involves first seeking the customer’s permission and providing them with an incentive, before targeting them with the organization’s given marketing message. E-CRM systems make it easy for organizations like Our Town Photography to engage in multiple relationships with multiple customers through the use of different opt-in and opt-out tools such as checking a box in an online form. E-CRM systems are essentially designed for this new form of marketing. Permission marketing ensures that the company only concentrates its marketing on customers who are interested. This leads to the second advantage of e-CRM systems: effective targeting. E-CRM systems keep records of those who have visited a web site and expressed an interest in the products or services offered by registering their name and other details. By sending marketing messages to this category of web visitors, Our Town Photography will receive higher response rates from its target customers. With the e-CRM tech nology, the company could further tailor its messages to customer micro-segments. With effective targeting, the overall cost of reaching customers also goes down. Firstly, it is cheaper to use electronic communication methods than physical ones. Secondly, with effective targeting the number of mail-outs is reduced ... These systems also support active information gathering from customers through tools such as online forums and communities, new product prototype evaluations and even customer-led innovations. List the specific data you would to store in your system Name Address Birth dates Purchase History Product or service recommendations made Gifts sent and received Anniversaries Hobbies and interests Gender Marital Status Post-sales service and/or product rating Research at least two e-CRM systems that are available and do a compare contrast between the two systems. List the advantages and disadvantages of each the system and create a side by side comparison matrix. Table 1: SugarCRM versus Microsoft Dynamics CRM Feature SugarCRM Corporate Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment On-premise or cloud-based On-premise and cloud-based Trial period 7 days 30 days Cost US$ 45/user/month US$ 44/user/month Databases -Client can opt to use SugarCRM datacenter or Client datacenter or third party datacenter -Off ers 30GB free -Client can use own datacenter or Microsoft Cloud datacenter -Offers 5GB free, client pays for extra storage Employee applications and channels -Unlimited customization options / based on Open Source standards -Proprietary system thus customization limited by vendor -Massive ecosystem of extensions developed by Open Source community found at SugarExchange for over 200 commercial extensions and for over 800 free extensions -Seamless integration to Microsoft products -Integration with Outlook and Microsoft ERP is especially very appealing to small and medium businesses. -Full sales, marketing and support automation -Full sales, marketing and support automation -Email integration, reporting, team selling, collaboration tools, advanced security, workflow
Friday, November 1, 2019
WILDLIFE TOURISM IN SOUTH AFRICA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
WILDLIFE TOURISM IN SOUTH AFRICA - Essay Example The international wildlife tourists however comprise of such people who are mainly keen of conducting tours inside Africa (Avitourism in South Africa, 2010,pp.12-13). The target market identified for the marketing plan presented here accounts for 21000 to around 40000 wildlife tourists visiting the region on an annual basis. Domestic tourists comprise the major chunk of the wildlife tourist population and range from 13 to 24 thousand while the international tourists account for 8 to 16 thousand people on an annual basis. These target groups accounting for making wildlife tourism in South Africa render around 1025 to 1975 billion rand to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product on an annual basis (Research and Analysis Report, 2010, p.9). The report therefore intends to provide a clear-cut plan to attract these tourists by strategies in marketing and promotion and therefore add to the economy in terms of revenues as well. WILDLIFE TOURISM IN SOUTH AFRICA – A Marketing Plan Ma rketing Plan for Promoting Wildlife Tourism in South Africa South Africa is home to a large amount of biodiversity spread along its natural parks and wildlife habitats and accounts for drawing visitors from a worldwide base. This activity of ecology based wildlife tourism in the region helps in drawing huge revenues for the South African economy. In South Africa the amount of tourists coming to visit the wildlife sectors accrue to about 79 percent of the total number of tourists visiting the region on an annual basis. In terms of economic value the wildlife tourism in South Africa account for around 50 percent of the total amount of income generated from tourism activities. To attract the tourists visiting the South African region for their interest in wildlife, the South African government has rendered space for the development of natural parks, which hosts a large number of flora and fauna. These natural parks help in hosting a large number of tourists in several rest camps contai ning both lodging and hotel facilities. An example of a national park in the South African region is the Kruger National Park, which helps hosting a large number of tourists in both caravan and camps along with other guesthouses and guest cottages. These latter ones are built to present to the visitors a huge variety of opportunities to live and enjoy their tour. These hotels, rest houses and guest camps are designed in such a fashion as to provide to the people dwelling and food based on international standards. Estimates made show that only the Kruger National Park in South Africa draws around 1.4 million wildlife tourists in the region. This national park also helps to accrue huge amount of revenue for the South African economy. Estimates made show that on an average annual basis the national park amounts to around 40 million dollars of revenue for the South African government (Spenceley, 2006, pp.652-653). It is found from the above discussion that the impact of wildlife tourism in South Africa has helped the development of the economy of the region. The marketing and promotional activities designed would help greatly in enhancing the growth of wildlife tourists in the region, which would thereby augment the revenue patterns of the economy. However the marketing and promotional activities that would be taken to enhance the development of wildlife tourism in South Africa by helping in attracting large number of tourists must be developed in an organized fashion to optimize the utilization of available resources. Thus the design of the marketing plan for developing wildlife tourism in South Africa must function on the basis of the following agenda. Firstly the marketing plan
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